Thermatec Training. We are opening registrations for 2024.
Join us for in-person, online, and customized trainings in your company.
- 08.01.24 dedicated product-sales training (Rzeszów)
- 12.01.24 training for Authorized Installers (AI)
- 19.01.24 training for Authorized Service Technicians (APS)
- 26.01.24 training for Authorized Installers (AI)
Attention. The number of seats is limited. Don′t hesitate to sign up.
AI and APS trainings are conducted by Łukasz Dziedzic
Product-sales trainings are conducted by Tomasz Cebulak
What can you expect from our trainings?
1. We teach you how to properly select and install Thermatec devices, so that they work efficiently and without problems.
2. We don′t just talk about theory, we focus on practice. In our training center in Czeladź, you can actually check, test, connect, and even listen to the operation of our heat pump.
3. We teach you how to be the best advisor to your customer. That′s the key.
You are warmly invited.
Registration: [email protected]
Location: Czeladź, ul Rzemieślnicza 22